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We’ve been involved in the industry of finance for months, with countless successful transactions and agreements to our name. Our Starmade clients can count on our Financial Services team to manage their investments efficiently and to always achieve a win with a maximum profit solution. From loans aimed towards increasing production, to working out intergalactic trading routes, we help our clients successfully resolve matters as efficiently and profitably as possible.

Stock Market Down


Let Order of Bogatyrs be the solution for your setting up needs. By combining a fundamental understanding of the big picture with the complexity of daily interactions and experiences, our analysts provide proactive solutions to a diversity of clients and situations. Our partners and associates are involved in some of the most innovative, sophisticated, and complex development programs in Starmade, having helped over 40 firms set up their businesses across the Starmade universe since 2nd September 2015. Ranging from helping to set up warpgate links to developing large black market in restricted-access goods, we are here to make sure you profit

Working Silhouettes


In a conflict not of your choosing? Facing endless terrorist attacks or piracy on your shipping lines? We are ready to help. The Order of Bogatyrs management department is ready to help our allies and train partners with tactical advice 24/7. We are proud to extend our legal experiences to help serve all our allies regardless of the scale of help required.

Army Soldiers At Parade


The Order of Bogatyrs has over 750 patrol vessels active at all times across our territories. The Order is directly responsible for the safety and happiness of citizens living within the extensive boundaries of the theocratic empire. Alliances are considered binding and any hostile action whether it be commercial or military against our allies will lead to repercussions from the Order. The Order of Bogatyrs has over 80 military outposts in service and each major trading route has block-post patrol stations for the protection of trade ships.



If you have any questions about the OOB, please do not hesitate to send us an email about it.


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